Bare Metal SIG meetup 2023Q1
New year - new Bare Metal SIG meetings! Starting with 2023, we're switching to a quarterly cadence, while making the meetings longer, more entertaining and opening the floor for more active engagement…
Bare Metal SIG - Introduction to Bifrost
Bifrost allows to install Ironic in standalone mode (without other OpenStack components) and is also often chosen as a starting point to get familiar Ironic, or even for Ironic development. Core…
Checkout Case for Ironic in Cern IT
Ironic contributor Arne Wiebalck writes in a recent blog update on the about why they use Ironic and how it helps them support their users and ultimately their mission.
Bare Metal SIG - Secure RBAC
Ironic contributor Julia Kreger gives us an overview of Secure RBAC, a Wallaby cycle community effort, in Ironic.
Bare Metal SIG - Ironic Prometheus Exporter
Ironic contributor Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira introduces us to the Ironic Prometheus Exporter, a utility to help expose Bare Metal node sensor data to Prometheus.
Bare Metal SIG - Deploy Steps Introduction
Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur introduces us to the Deploy Steps, a mechanism to have customized deployments processes.
Bare Metal SIG - Redfish Interop profiles
Ironic contributor Richard Pioso shares about the effort to create Inter Operability profiles for Redfish.
Bare Metal SIG - Ironic/Neutron ML2 interaction overview
Ironic contributor Julia Kreger shares an overview of the interaction between Ironic and Neutron with ML2 plugins.
Bare Metal SIG - Multi-Tenant Ironic
Ironic contributor Tzu-Mainn Chen shares an overview of the mutli-tenancy model supported in Ironic.
SuperUser - Scaling Bare Metal Provisioning with Nova and Ironic
Arne Wiebalck and Belmiro Moreira with CERN and Sunny Cai with the Open Infrastucture Foundation recently posted a an article on SuperUser titled . In this post, they talk about their experiences…
Checkout Ironic 2020
Ironic contributor Dmitry Tantsur has taken some time to share with us his recollection of the most important events from . Check it out!
StackHPC shares about Software RAID
In a blog post we recently found, the awesome folks at StackHPC have written about . Special thanks goes to Stig Telfer and Doug Szumski!